miercuri, 8 decembrie 2010

Regulamentul Raliului Dunarii 1977

O lucrare interesanta care a intrat anul acesta in arhiva AUTOMOBILIA este regulamentul celei de-a 12-a editii a Raliului Dunarii, desfasurata in 29-31 iulie 1977. Tiparit in trei limbi (romana, franceza si engleza) regulamentul are 53 de pagini. La finalul regulamentului sunt planse care prezinta panourile de semnalizare si siglele sponsorilor (Longines, Shell, Castrol). Startul si sosirea raliului au avut loc in Drobeta Turnu Severin , traseul de 1977 km cu 23 de probe speciale, parcurs partial in ambele sensuri, incluzand Oravita, Resita, Brad, Cluj Napoca, Caransebes si Baile Herculane. Fotografia de mai sus, realizata de M. Niedl, surprinde startul echipajului Eugen Ionescu Cristea/Dan Amarica (Renault 12 Gordini) care din pacate s-a vazut nevoit sa abadoneze. Editia 1977 a Raliului Dunarii a fost castigata de echipajul bulgar Ilia Ciubrikov / P. Cerovski (Renault 2 Alpine), urmat de cehii V. Blahna/L. Hlavka (Skoda 130 RS) si echipajul romanesc Ilie Olteanu/Ovidiu Scobai (Dacia 1300 Gr.2).

4 comentarii:

  1. Hello,

    Sorry because of my English, but unfortunately I do not speak Romanian.
    I was there on '77 Rallye du Danube as service-man.
    I would like to ask from you a scanned copy of this booklet. Please...
    Is it possible ?

    Best regards,

  2. Hello,

    Of course that you can have it. Can you give us more details or pictures ? Please visit my website www.automobilia.ro
    I expect an email in order to have your address.

    Best regards,
    Bogdan Coconoiu

  3. Bogdan,

    Thank you very much for your quick and 'positive' answer !
    I was in service-team of Hungarian Attila Ferjáncz, start no.4 with Renault-17Gordini. Unfortunately we had broken engine and retirement. If I remember right, Attila was in the leading position then, only 100km before the Finish of the rallye...

    Currently I am trying to collect old data from rallyes, when Attila started, here are some of my 'tryings' on the Romanian Net:



    " Can you give us more details or pictures ? "
    I have a few slides from this rallye and one of my friends made a short 'movie' in '77 Romania also >

    We are scanning and publish these old films here >


    Unfortunately the film from '77 Dunárii is somewhere in the dusty attic yet.

    my address: sainz10 gmail.com

    Best regards,

  4. Bogdan,

    Thank You very much !

    I sent an E-mail for you...

    Best regards,
